About the project

Everyone can fold paper crane; it is small and takes only a few minute of their time…but we collected more than three thousand of them! Can you imagine how beautiful and powerful decoration will be on the Children’s hospital walls with 3000 paper cranes together? We are sure it will brighten up the hospital wall.

Visit the origami art exhibition at level 1 Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick. 22 Sept - 25 Nov 2011

Thank you for posted your love in the shape of paper cranes.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


(Photo: Traver Tyne)

At last, our exhibition, "Fold with Love" was over.
We took down the panels from the hospital wall and packed away on Sunday 4th December.
Thank you very very veeeeery much for everyone who helped and supported our project during the process.

We want to re-design the origami panel hanging system and are looking for an exhibition space for them.
A restaurant in Neutral Bay may be the next venue.

The next origami workshop will be at The Art Shop Mona Vale during the summer holiday.